4 min readMar 1, 2022

pharmacies and health product stores are full of fat-burning drugs and preparations or an appetite block that promises to lose weight and get rid of fat in a short time. are there really magic medicines capable of fulfilling these promises?

In a report published in the French newspaper LeFigaro, author Cecile Tibar says these drugs are found on the Internet, in pharmacies, in biopharmaceutical stores, as well as supplements that claim to be able to dissolve kilograms within a few weeks.

while about half of the french people are overweight, these commercials attract huge numbers of customers. according to official data, slimming products worth €84.4 million were sold in 2019.

the question remains: can we really lose weight by taking certain drugs and capsules? what is found in these products? what is its real impact on the body? how effective is it?

appetite dam pills

these pills always make you feel full and full, they contain non-nutritious substances, while at the same time giving signals to the brain that the stomach is full. these substances are extracted from algae and peel some types of fruits and grains.

“when mixed with water, these substances swell and form what looks like a gelatin mass, are beneficial to those who are overeating, and do not pose a health risk, but can sometimes cause bloating and diarrhea,” explains dietitian sandra fiorin.

of all the substances used in these drugs, the most prominent is the conjak plant, which comes from the asian continent, which has been licensed by the health authorities in france and europe, because it is proven to be effective in creating a feeling of satiety, as it absorbs a large amount of water and fills the stomach.

appetite dam pills always make you feel full (bexabi)

burning fat and calories

“the idea of these substances is that they raise the body’s metabolic level, i.e. they intensify energy consumption when a person is relaxed,” explains french nutritionist professor boris hansel.

these preparations are mainly based on plants containing caffeine, green tea and cola, which originated in south america.

the professor cautions that the idea of drinking this tea or taking a capsule and then sitting in bed and waiting for fat to melt is naïve and far from reality, as caffeine increases the consumption of calories in the body, but this has little effect on weight.

the professor adds that making a real impact on the body requires consuming between 100 and 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, a very large amount, and most slimming products now sold in stores contain between 25 and 91 milligrams of caffeine.

drying products

some drinks — such as green tea, cherry sticks and birch plant — have no direct effect on metabolism, but lead to urine drainage, water disposal, thirst quickly and drink more water. but this process also has limited impact and does not significantly lead to weight loss.

professor boris hansel argues that the idea of eliminating toxic substances and fat through frequent urination is false, an illusion created by propaganda campaigns and the promotion of these products.

how effective are these products?

the author explains that these drugs and capsules, sold in pharmacies, bio-product stores and online, are not officially classified as drugs and are therefore not subject to the same strict restrictions and control, so the plant is not obliged to conduct clinical trials to prove effectiveness, contrary to what is required of the drugs.

these preparations are also not subject to toxicity tests, and often rely on old ideas or common uses in traditional medicine for a plant that was popular in earlier times, although this effectiveness is not scientifically proven, the author adds.

the use of certain products without attention to diet and exercise does not lead to any result (strastock)

what do scientific studies say?

recently, a group of university doctors in the united states conducted a comprehensive review of all serious and independent studies on slimming products. the work, published in 2021 in the journal obesity, included 315 clinical trials carried out by researchers.

however, most of these experiments were marred by some flaws in the credibility of the results, such as the small number of people who had been tested, short-term, methodological error or preconceived ideas, which led researchers to come up with the conclusion that there were no studies to definitively demonstrate the effectiveness of slimming products available on the market.

this year’s european obesity research conference also released the results of a new study, supporting this conclusion, as supplements now on the market do not allow for significant weight loss, knowing that this weight loss should be at least 2.5 kilograms.

“this does not mean that there are no useful supplements, but even if this benefit exists, it is very low,” says professor john marie barr. in any case, these preparations can have a fictitious effect, in the sense that they are delusional about a person’s usefulness, and therefore encourage them and improve their psychological state.”

“buying a product for around 50 euros can encourage a person to be more committed, to take care of their health and to monitor their nutrition,” says sandra fiorin. “however, using this product without paying attention to diet and exercise does not lead to any result.”




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